hey Honeybees
in the second installment of my Back to School Series we are looking at hair. unlike nails which are an accent (meaning you can get away with not having them done) Hair can make or break your whole appearance. Thats not to say wake up 2 hours early to do your hair.. No, just give yourself enough time to do what you need to your hair such as curling, straightening, up do, half up do, braided etc so you are not left in stress mode rushing around like you are all types of loca. There are different types of styles to suit different types of people, so cater to the inner you. dont wake up thinking you can tackle a half braided half curled hairstyle on the morning of school, when you havent practised beforehand.. just dont, it wont work out well.. lol

Straigh Hair
this hair is the most common hairstyle at school/college/university throughout the year, as its easy to achieve and take a short amount of time (depending on your choice of straighteners and your type of hair) this is suitable for all hair types and can be done in the morning without too much fuss.
Beach Curls
this hairstyle to me looks like second day hair (which is when you have curls from the day before) which is great cos it means there is very little effort in the morning to create this look. this is perfect for very early starts or 'the morning after the night before' type days. i recommend this hairstyle to students of all ages. trust me you will thank me when you have a friday morning lecture that seems like it starts at the break of dawn!
Curly Hair
this hairstyle is the most dressed up in my opinion. if you turn up to school with curly hair, people know you've made an effort. the great thing about this hairstyle is that it can be worn for up to 3 days saving you lots of time and effort. Unfortunatley it does consume quite alot of time and it requires waking up extra early. so if you have an early class in the morning, id skip this hairstyle (go to bed extra early if you are THAT determined) i recommend this hairstyle to girls who are fortunate enough to have a late start in their schedule (yey me)
this is a great hairstyle if you want curly hair without looking too done up and perfect hehe or if you want to give your straight hairstyle a little oomph. the great thing about this hair is that it looks good with long and shorter hair. this doesnt take as much time as curling but it does require a little bit of time and effort. this hairstyle would suit students of all ages.
this is one of the easiest hair styles as it can be incorporated into any of the other styles, its like an accessory style or a top up style or a transition style. i say its easy becase if you walk into any clothing and/or accessory store you will find a braided head band and tadaaa you have a braided hairstyle right in your hands. i would recommend this to students of all ages.. especially during assessment/exam season.
Contrary to popular believe, 'bed hair' does not involve getting out of bed, putting clothes on than being ready! a little of effort goes into tame looking messy hair and a little bit more mousse to keep it from going flat (or should i say staying flat after getting up). this would look very rock chick chic if done right and you dont have to worry about your hair getting messy.. because it already 'is' technically, which equals great hair for school!
Back To School Hair Do's

- Do experiment with different hairstyles to find one that suits the shape of your face and hair length. dont forget to pick a do-able hairstyle for early morning starts.
- Do apply heat protection sprays if you are exposing your beautiful locks to heat.
- Do use conditioner to keep your hair looking and feeling great, and dont be afraid to rock your natural hair. You are beautiful and when you go back to school be you =)
- Do use accessories, such as headbands & clips, they work wonders on days when you've slept in and dont have much time to do anything to your hair.
Back To School Hair Don'ts
- Dont wash your hair too often, aside from saving you a little bit of time during term time, it also prevents your hair from over producing essential oils on your scalp, which means you wont get a greasy scalp after a day of not washing your hair.
- Dont Brush your hair when wet, hair is very fragile when wet and brushing it maky cause it to break. Instead, run a wide tooth comb through your hair slowly.
- Dont go to school/college/university looking like a hot mess, you will regret it once you've woken up abit. Dont be afraid to rock the messy bun, on a bad hair day. its a cute way to disguise your hair situation and turn your bad hair day into an accidental cute hair day.
- Dont go over the top with your hairstyle, its only school after all, you are there to learn.. its not a fashion show. Remeber less is more.
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